Yeaaa d holidays are here... 3 weeks straight.Heh, I must be kidding myself. 3 weeks holiday filled with school work, project & studies!Pretty much of a holiday isn't it? Saturday was a start into holiday mood... ya right spent my weekends at home pretty much doing nothing! But at least this is my time to bond with my family esp. with the person that makes my life sometimes a living hell.
Ya! I'm bored on my Sunday wit nothing to do! so snap a pic!
Monday wasn't what I looked forward to... thought this would be a long & boring holiday but
I was wrong! I went out with 2 of my girls yeay... to Orchard as usual window shop for me but they bought something- accessories. We're girls ,ya know. It was a very relaxed outing talking, laughing our ass off over crappy stuffs but it isn't the same without her. I know she would totally make fun of my christian dior bag. no more bonna,Fad. shoot. I have to move on!
Yay. Done with my ITP survey at last and I didn't know I'm a Male!!! But someone entered my gender as 'MALE' in the ITP database. Hey! Can't you see I'm totally the opposite. I know those who are reading this will say that they don't agree but hey what can I say? I am aggressive by nature:D huahauah. Shall join forces with Joey and "assasinate" those who anyhow declared us as transvestites!
enough said... Pics NOW!

Whoa look at dila she looks freaky... her nose umms looks like a beak???

Yeaa my girls 4 life

Feel like posting this pic...

sheesh. what's with me am I missing him? This is only 3 weeks of not seeing him wait till ITP its gonna be 4 whole MONTHS.Haha I know this is kind of long due but... wait for the next post to see what Dinna & I did on our last day of school before the holidays.
~ HINT: Something to do with CLS
-next post please