Selamat Petang Cikku!!!! aahahahaha cikku Atijah... sooo cute.
Teaching these primary 3 kids was fun!!! I had to tolerate a bit of nonsense but nothing that I can't handle since I already had taught kids which are far younger and behave wayyyyy badly. Maybe next time I'd take a class photo of these kids.
You know what I hate? I hate falling in love with them and have to let them go at the end of the year. Yes I am like that, I hate goodbyes even with my girls when we part I feel the need to hug them even tears felt like developing but nah... I know I will see them again =)
Today I just felt the presence of Allah soooo much. I just had to say thank you Allah. Thank you!

Remember this? This was one of the highlights in my life. I LOVE ALL OF YOU *hearts* Ahaha we were sooooo kental. Look at how everyone changed and progressed.

Man! I look like one of the boys. ahahah and i love it cause I always give them a run for their money.