Many things have changed. Life has changed. Work has changed and so have I.
The last post is about being happy at work. Hmm... now? Don't even want to think about it.
Everything has its ups and downs. Life works that way I guess.
I just thought I want to use this blog as a record of my memory of places I've been to. Recently I've been traveling around. This is something new that I never had the chance to do in the past due to circumstances. It is something I've grown to love. I've been blessed. Thank you Allah~
This blog will work as a passport to my memories as a traveller.
I've been to 2 countries in the year 2010:
Malaysia & South Korea.
You may think it's not a big deal but these 2 different places holds many fond memories and interesting discoveries.
So this entry will begin with a sneak peak of my holidays to Kuala Lumpur, Melacca City & Seoul.

Looks fun? I'll compile it as a video for both Syaz and I to look back on.

Melacca City with the kids

Seoul, Korea made 2010 the year I experienced snow and love Korea more.
From now on, this blog will be randomly updated. 2011.23.
Hopefully this year and age will bring me more happiness insyaallah.