Thursday, May 10, 2012

1) Self love VS Interest
2) The Divinity of mercy
3) The cyclical patterns of hatred


1) Poem length : Shows how much a poem can say AND the mood of the poem
2) Divisions: How the poem is organised and how it progresses
3) Line length : syllable
4) Typographical features: italicization, capitalization

1) Registers: Informal to formal, abstract to concrete, simple to difficult
2) Syntax: repetition ( highlights the issue)
3) Word choice: Natural or unnatural
4) Imagery: Similes, metaphors, personification (Gives a clearer image of the poem and makes it more descriptive
5) End-stopped or run-on lines : End-stopped contribute to the sound effect, self sufficient and contained.
                                                   Run-on lines natural flow
6) Rhyme and rhythm : Sound effect for the poem. Organise poem's meaning
7) Sound: The articulation when reading the poem like imagery creates ideas & sensations clearer. Increase meaning

1) Voice: Personal? If it is, it tries to engage the readers primarily through its thoughts and emotions
2) Whom is it directed to? Itself, somebody else ( could be personal) , nobody( abstract truth or ideas) or reader (abstract truths or ideas)
3) Form of discourse:
    Expressive: Expresses thoughts and emotions ( become involved in the personality)
    Narrative: Tells a story ( interested in abstract ideas )
    Descriptive : describes ( may be value statement )
    Instructive: didactic in intent , spells out a clear message, truth
4) Themes : Love, Death, Time , Nature
5) Purposes: Good ( Tells good from bad, or raise a moral issues)
                     True ( Reveal truth or essence of something)
                      Beautiful ( To tell us something is beautiful )

Insyaallah I can PASS!!!! I must do well. Ya Allah please let me remember all these devices~ AMIN

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Art Appreciation

Recently I enrolled in an art appreciation class as part of my University's elective module. Let me tell you how much I love it. I love it THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS much!

It is so relaxing. I get to learn new skills, make new friends that I hardly would in other classes. Seriously this is fun! I am so into art now. I love looking at paintings and it really inspire me.

I'm looking at Jinki now, I seriously love him. Allah don't take him away from me too soon. I love him so much. I thank you Allah, if i don't have that man, I have this little guy that makes me happy everyday and he never changes. But I know I can't have this little baby for long. I will spend more time with him. So he knows he is very much loved. If he goes, let me meet him in Jannah. Ya Allah I know I'm not perfect or anywhere close enough to smell your paradise but Allah please... accept me. I know my brain is pretty haywire at times. But you know what's in me and my heart that is full of flaws. Please accept all of me.

Words I learnt for today

cede - To give up
idioms- style of an artist
fluke- a struck of good fortune. unexpected.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New words

Introspection~ Contemplation on your thoughts , desires

Crafty ~ Artsy person or sly

Beguiling ~ highly attractive OR dishonest

Goshhh that's why english is confusing it has both positive and negative connotations to it.

Today, I feel very down, discouraged and I wonder on my abilities. I doubt that I can be good at english. I seriously do, but at the same time I want to be fluent in Korean. It's difficult to juggle these two languages. I've learnt English a lot longer of course and fluent in it but my vocabulary is not vast. I have to learn more. I can absorb the information but how long can I retain them???

I love English I seriously do. But if I'm not good at it... what do I do? Work hard, yeah sure. I know what I should do. I think.