Sorry Haven't been updating for like what? 2 to 3 weeks... Too busy with schoolwork and all.sighs.Lotsa assignments for me to finish up...And what am i doing now? Finding my time to edit a post that has been waiting sooo long for me to publish.So I'm gonna do justice to it and publish it by TODAY! I hope...
A Weekend with Amy... & her mom!?!?!
Saturday, 18th November 2006
It was a weekend where I thought I'd take a break & rest at home after all the tiring thoughts of school & all its work plus of him... hehehe. His always in my mind but what can I do? I've certainly fallen for the wrong guy...haiiizzz.
But anyways Amy asked me out to you know ask me for advice as she has a problem on ahem...ahem... So first thought of going esplanade but the sun was scorching hot! So... at last we went to Vivo City. It was my first time but I don't know why I wasn't even excited going there till I see what they've got to offer. More shops that we as Singaporean teens are kind of unlikely to afford but I like the whole interior & exterior of the place esp. the place where we can kind of soak our feets & have the feeling of at the seaside and all:) That day was a happy one for me!

Me & amy at Sultan Mosque
Me,Amy's mom and Bro on board a ship!

Amy's wet feet thanks to me...
After Vivo guess where Amy's mum took us to eat??? Or is it me who took us there...
Lau Pa Sat. Her mum treated us with satay, nasi goreng ayam and chilli crab! Mouthwatering already?

My 2 feet taking us to Lau Pasat...

Haha dabes baru nak ambil gamba... it was too appetizing that we forgot to take pics before it ends up in our stomach!
Sunday 19th November 2006
Spent the day at Amy's,was invited by her mum... Hari raya purpose. Then went out with my parents jalan raya again!!!My last jalan raya to my nenek Boyan, my "anak" sedara, my father's friend & my cousins house all at the East Side.

Me & Amy @her home

Me & my younger sister in the cab, rushing cos' we're so late & soooo dead!!! My sis is not as crazy as me in the pics b'cos she's just a pretty face...Nak maintain glamour la tu!! But she's every inch as crazy as me only a bit of a snob,no. a lot!!!
Thursday 9/16/23 (? can't remember) November 2006
Yes, At last PTN lunch is done and over with & we were all left satisfied getting our bites at... SWENSENS @ Somerset!!!! IT WAS GREAT .Cancelled MLP for this treat is sooooo sweeeet! The food are like wow soooo ex... I didn't knew, It was my first time going to Swensens eversince it gone halal! ya ate it before it was... my dad didn't knew sooo takpe tak dosa! haha

Thanks to my personal tutor... should I say his name ? Since his a lawyer I'm afraid he'll sue me of... whatever he can sue me. haha. Lets say thank u to Mr. Art Poh la ok for short form. U've been a great lecturer not saying this because we got a treat at swensens.hehe. This is out of sincerity... Let me tell u going to your class is like going to a stand up comedy so its a joy & my honour to be part of it! Thanks sir!

Hak & I... hak tak bes abes nak ambil gamba... die ingt handsome sangat la tu!!!

Wooi... My melt in the mouth i-scream.... Drool enough already? If i continue to eat at this rate I'll be putting on pounds rather than losing it!
Saturday 25 November 2006
A surprise gathering for my darling Aisyah!!!! Its her birthday and she's 18... I love euuu aisyah.We did a small gathering of me, dila & kin with a cute chocolate fudge b-day cake, relighting candles & nice gifts. She was totally surprised an unexpected but I was laaaate... got Dila a little pissed I think. Sorry Dila:P Bought gifts with Kin a nice necklace & a lipgloss( aisya needs this sooo bad)

Cute Cake from somewhre ;)

Trying their best to blow the relighting candles...haha!great joke... Dila pandai kelentong aisya

Its great to see my girl sooo happy u deserve it girl...
Since Dila needs to leave us... We took Aisyah a day to Vivo!!! Her first and we made her day!!!!

OK I have to end somewhere don't I??? Lets end with 3 more pics shall we?

Ok. Finally, end.
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