Hey peepz.I'm back. damn got sooo much things to do. I wish I wasn't tempted to blog but as you can see I am. Well I'm feeling a bit better. Actually not many people know that I've been ill for the last 3 weeks . Ya with all the smiles and those big laughter behind those i'm actually ill.
And from this illness I can't sleep and can't eat well. Ya and those were the times where I'm up to watch "The Tyra Show "& "Ellen Degeneres" for the past 3 weeks. From this illness I realised & discover my mum's love for me. I love you mum.My mum have had thyroid since last year but she haven't been feeling too well lately as she hasn't been taking her medicine. I promise you mum once my internship starts I'll pay for your medication. She sacrificed her money to buy her medication to get me mine. $70 worth of medicine & doctor consultation!

My beloved Mum & Bro
Just last week my condition got worst, It was sooo painful & first time I bawled so hard and it was on her birthday. She was working night shift the day before & she was tired and all when she came back home but still she took me to the doctor! When we were waiting for my turn to arrive she fell asleep. I felt sorry that I troubled her and it's her birthday! I didn't even get to join her for the celebration as she turned 41 cos' I was helping out my cousin. sigh... no matter what she bought me chicken rice it was her treat.How sweet can your mum be? Even though she rarely hugs or kiss me. I know she loves me. I hope I get well soon. Though my mum don't read this...Mum you get well too I don't want you to go under the knife.
WHoooo!!Wats that??? Haha... me & sakinah went out after school to Orchard to buy me new shoes that fit these criteria:
- trendy
- durable
- in my budget
- & last long
I got these...
For $ 16. 90 at John Little's! How affordable is that for shoes that fit those criteria. Surfer's Paradise Australia. I love the thick sole cos' I know it's gonna last me.
Actually I saw these at Urban Warehouse sale when I was out with Amy the last time but I didn't bring my money with me so I came back yesterday and the shoes were gone!!! Thought of buying other shoes but I gave John Little a chance to see if there's other shoes & I found it again!!!So since my heart is set on it already... I bought it!But I saw another shoe that was atractive but I know those shoes can't last me even 2 weeks.So I know these are the ones for a rough tom-boy like me.
I gotta thank Sakinah though for accompanying me though she was exhausted from a day of school as you can see. From 5+ to 7 searching for shoes. Well you'll get back something in return wait till the 27th!
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