A night out.
Time check :12:06 midnight
I just got back like 26 minutes ago at 11:40pm? Don't bother to bathe too tired just wash my face for tonight. Tomorrow i will do my 360 degrees bath! Hah!
I went to the Graduation Screening just now. Watched a total of 6 short films and 1 trailer for $4 - so worth it. It was entertaining to watch my friend's final year works they were all good. I liked DOGMA, Karma and Like me like you. I went there to enjoy myself and to meet friends I haven't seen for months. Though I felt out of place but what the heck. People from the media industry were there eg. Jack Neo, Oak3 films...
Pics from today's events
Syaz,me, I dont know who and Nur Fitri haha its Jing li. Fitri is one of the names I thought I wanna name my future daughter haha but whatever. Jing li is nice though.
Shah , Siraj and Schizo
Syaz & I. We both just look fabulous tonight don't we?
Karma Team.
The short film was great even Siraj's directing skills was acknowledge by Jack Neo. Who would have guess if Siraj will be the next McG or Bryan Singer or maybe even Steven Spielberg? Doesn't Siraj Spielberg sounds great! That's it for now. Blog again tomorrow? I doubt so
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