Thursday, July 12, 2018

Demi allah

For Allahs sake,  I love you.  But may be some things in this life are not meant to be.  May be you are the right person whom I met at the wrong time.  I will keep on loving and praying for you. For your happiness and peace.  Whenever I think of you , I leave it up to Allah., for he knows best.  Whenever u talk about other women,  my heart bleeds.  i refuse to be jelly of all the things they did with u.  I am not chasing this life as much as I want to chase jannah.  And if I reach it,  I will ask Allah to call upon you or...  Create me a husband that looks like you and has your personality. One that can get along with me , one that I can look at with love and  sympathy.

Oh Allah this year hasn't been easiest for me in terms of work and even love. When I thought that you sent love to me, you sent one so poisonous. The poison paralysed me for quite some time. I love him ya allah. Is there any ways that I can stop all this ? How can I forget him ya allah. I want to cut ties with him but I am not the kind of person to do so.

Ya Allah let my love life from this day forward be simpler, less hurtful and let me at least able to get the kind of man that I want in this life. Ya Allah I admit I am slow. But there must be a reason why I still am single till now.

 Ya Allah I love him. Protect him. Keep him safe. Lastly let me be able to meet him in jannah. Let him remember what he lost.

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