24 October 2006 (1 Syawal 1427H)
First day of raya, it is celebrated with nice food i mean tonnes of it... laughter, tears of happiness & sadness, forgiveness.... I love my family... my grandmas & granddad, plus my friends... My cousins some are really easy for me to get along with...I love the dress i designed its purrrr-fect!!! It's soooo pretty or is it just me? hahaha..

Do u like my dress? I luuurrrrve it!
People say I look like a bride... hah! No boyfriend how to become a bride? Not even engaged! I ate lots today haha ketupat, lontong, sambal goreng almost everything on the hari raya food menu! Have to exercise more later:)Haven't even got the time to send all my raya cards or ask forgiveness from all my friends yet.To all of my friends I loooooveeee eeeeuuuuu...... forgive & forget k??? K la selamat Hari raya people:)

The cousins that's like only half of them!

My sis & me

My brothers & dad ( my dad looks like that cause he was unhappy...)

( my mum looks like that cause she was unhappy that my dad wore like that!...)

My cousins, uncle and grandparents

My mum & starry-eyed cousin
25th October (2 Syawal 1427 H)
On this day... things were as per normal, skipped an 8 o'clock class cause I woke up at 8 itself! But I went to school anyways to do more IWED... Then at 2pm when I was doing my assignment... I got an MSN instant msg saying that I lost one of my besties.... she has passed on. I can't stop thinking about her for a few days till I dreamt of her in my sleep knowing that she is OK over there. I know Allah will take care of her... But I never got the chance ask for her forgiveness or wish her a good Hari raya... But i'm glad that she got to celebrate at least one day of raya before Allah called her back home...
I hope she knows that i'm sorry if i'd ever hurt her... I will pray for her all the time... That she will be missed by all of us... Faddyna I love u my bestie.
Al -Fatihah

Siti Fadinah Bte Ridduan
Age: 17 +
(15 Dec 1988 - 25th October 2006)
You've been fun,you've been great girl! It was nice knowing u... I'll cherish all the times we share... and I'll miss your laughter the most...
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