Lots of things has happened this past 2 weeks of Ramadhan... I broke my fast with my poly friends...They're soooo CRAZEEEE!!!!We laughed like non-stop. Assignments are coming in sooo fast~ 2 Assignments are due I think by the end of Week 4! I'm dying in my animation class ... But I'm trying to catch up... I broke fast with Aminah this week and she bought me an advance b-day present...It's a cute dress! Last week I got an outing with my siblings and my aunt & uncle. They are sooo nice they bought us Raya clothes. I am so grateful for having this kind of family.
Syukur ya Allah, kau telah memurahkan rezekiku dan memberiku apa yang aku mahukan dalam hidup. Padamu ya Allah aku berserah apa2 yang meracau di minda & hatiku utk kau tenangkan,Ya Allah lupakanlah aku pada dirinya ya allah. Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Astarghfirullah Allahuakhbar
Pics of me in my new dress haha... thank u Amy and a puzzle I did when I was soo bored

This here is a vid of my fave fave faaaaaaaaaaave sinetron opening title of " Hikmah". There's actually 'Hikmah 2 & 3' I heard! But Singapore is a bit behind as we're only on Hikmah season 1!!! But what the heck I LOOOOOOVE IT!
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