Legally 18 finally!!! (15th October)
Time sure pass really fast and I am 18 already??? This means I am legal enough to be on my own motorbike soon...I hope. Sigh... 4 more days to raya... I am sooooo not ready. Ya Allah please forgive me for all my wrong doings in the past for I am never perfect .Aku redha ya allah, ikhlas dengan takdirmu tetapi ya allah tolonglah kuat kan iman hambamu ini untuk menghadapi segala dugaan mu dengan tenang ya allah... aku redha...
I am really upset Ramadhan will be over soon somebody please make the time stand still for a few more moments. I am happy to invite Syawal into my life for it is my prize and what i've won for all the obstacles I went through in Ramadhan. Alhamdulillah... I wish I am still breathing when the next Ramadhan arrives, I'll welcome it with open arms. Sigh somehow I miss that someone.. how I wish he knows...

Dila & I opening our gifts - Candid -

Loud fire sparklers

Lots of food! Murah rezeki tu!!!
Oh my birthday celebration was a blast!!!!I totally love it! From the food to the cake to the fire sparklers and to the prezzies thank you girls!!!! I love ya lots...Friends till the end k??? To my Singapore poly friends thanks for the sooooo cute notepad & adorable Garfield but somehow it brings a tinge of sadness to me cause it reminds me of my babies:( Yes Syaz I was close to continuing your tradition of crying on my birthday...

Garfielda.k.a Chomel/ Ali & me

Surprise celebration from SP friends ( To tell u the truth ,I am really surprised actually & touched that they remembered)

Syaz & I Vogue la tu konon haha!
18th birthday was real big for me cause for the first time in my life I got double birthday cakes,friends & family to celebrate it with on 2 different days(15 & 17)!!!

- Mini cuppycakes From Lovely Dila on OUR day- AND - SP friends gift-
This a video I made for The laughter crew people... This is our photo album... Hope you people love it... More photos are in it plus the latest from the birthday gathering!
Lastly to my little brother whose b-day is on the 16th, Happy birthday!!!Your 13 now... Jadi lah anak yang soleh dan contoh kepada adik2 yang lain... I know you won't read this but if you happen to stumble upon this I hope you know I do care for you even though we sometimes argue too much!!!
Alhamdulillah ya Allah u've made me a year older, a year wiser and hope I'll be much more feminine hehe.Thank u for all u've given me ya Allah I couldn't ask for anything more:)Thanx to everyone... It makes me feel that someone cares & knows I am alive:) ~ SheMan signing off
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