To watch him go today was the hardest , watch the burial and all, I thought I can't shed anymore tears but when I saw his face, tears rushes in and I can't control it. I love my grandpa and I will truly miss the days we spent together, now I miss my grandma more. They were the cutest couple I ever known and they showed me how hard life can be. My grandpa, he taught me that as the eldest daughter I have to be both a son & daughter. So pardon me if I am tough with people cause I was taught to be a man too.
My grandpa is the one that I love when my grandma was all "noisy". Despite the mistakes he made I still love him and wished that I haven't ignored him for the past 2 years.
2 days ago when I saw you in your hospital bed, I cried when my mom asked me to read yassin to you when you were still alive. That was when I realised I have forgiven you and I still cared a lot for you.
Today is my time to let you free. Goodbye atok, atiqah sayang atok, atiqah rindu atok, atiqah akan sentiasa berdoa agar atok dan nenek akan tenang disana dan dijauhi segala azab kubur.
Dengan nama Allah yg maha pemurah lagi maha penyayang
Segala Puji Bagi Allah Tuhan Pemelihara Semesta Alam.
Maha pemurah lagi maha penyayang.
Yang menguasai hari pembalasan.
Hanya kepada engkau kami mengabdi dan hanya kepada engkaulah kami mohon pertolongan.
Tunjuki kami jalan yang lurus.
Jalan orang2 yang kau beri nikmat.
Bukan jalan orang2 yang kau murkai dan bukan jalan orang yang sesat.
Very rare photo to find of my grandma & grandpa as y late grandma hate to take photo. I am glad you both were my grandparents you both taught me a great deal of life lessons. Love you forever.
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