1) Lose weight! ( I've been thinking about this for a long time, been working for it for a long time but it is just soooo difficult to fit my running routine or workout routine in my working lifestyle.I guess I have to take up kickboxing classes at a place real soon.)
2) To enrol in N.I.E ( insyaallah if god wills it to happen and if I work hard enough I will get it! I have prayed the Istikhorah prayer and I think Allah have given me a very strong sense on what to do. Allahuakhbar!)
3) Save money and work real hard to get a BABY! I want a daughter. My motherly insticts is kicking in reak strong.( I am too lonely, ppl! I wanna adopt a baby. I think that is what gonna make me super happy and occupied plus it will be like having a companion for life. Ulfah Muyassarah! here I come ~)
Thinking about it my parents will definitely not be happy if I adopt one but its a lifelong dream for me. Unless if someone wants to look for that someone for me ahahaha BUT that someone have to wait a REAAAALLL long time for anything to happen, how bout 8 years! I got too much to do before I wanna settle down and I hold on to my principles very strong so 8 years does mean 8 years.
I miss them calling me Teacher Atiqah! I miss them hugging me give me sweet little kisses eventhough they are little devils ( very naughty) they are also angels in my heart. This is why I know teaching will be perfect for me.
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