Well I had fun sitting around, taking photos and soaking my feet in the water. I am however going for a swim on Wednesday or Thursday morning when I can have the sea and toilet all to myself providing I have a companion plus it doesn't rain. I am wishing real hard Amy can accompany me. ahaha. I am looking forward to see my SP mates tomorrow:)
So here are the photos of the day.
I know what u thinking! OMG sexy legs! haha the tidal waves were high ok!
My favourite shot this is super candid
My brothers soaking up the sun and got tanned a little too much.
I buried both my brothers and it was like super hot la
My mum and dad step lovey dovey bluek! ahahaha. U see my dad? ada ke tadi ura-ura nak buat handstand against a pokok kelapa, nasib baik I stopped him & made he think twice. Dulu kalau masih muda dan ringan tu tak pe la skrg dah boncit nanti kalau jatuh hanya tuhan sahaja tau betapa malunye I will be . HAHAHAHA
Cute pe gamba.
So happy chinese new year to everybody dan jangan lupa ya bahawa tanda dunia akan kiamat ( Gerhana Matahari) telah timbul sooo di tahun baru cina ni saya harap kita dapat mempertingkatkan lagi amalan kita :D
PS: Dunia belom kiamat! Remmber that song. Lagu tu patut di scrap kerana dunia closing to kiamat. harap2 jangan lah soon aku belom ready. amin.
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