"Dear Atiqah due to time constraints we have decided to bring forward the lesson to after CNY if there is no other issues it wil commence on 2nd Feb 2009-Miss Leong"
My reaction...DAMN! I am getting restless sitting at home I want to work! I hate sitting around doing nothing as my life feels like it is dead frozen in time. How I wish I had the $$$ to go to University I guess I have to be patient. I miss school..esp. SP.
Thinking again February is where my life starts I will be super busy, tutoring will start so does this malay conversational programme... Then again I am praying hard I get the job as an Allied Educator with MOE. The only thing I can do now is wait, life is full of waiting but like my darling says when it starts it will roll and never stops.
PS: My sweetheart Sakinah I am fine I will take care of myself just feeling down half the time. Thanks for caring. Love u. Hope to see everybody soon =)

These are the girls that make my life complete.
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